Loita Armada Revolucionaria

Loita Armada Revolucionaria (English: Revolutionary Armed Fighting) was an armed Galician nationalist and left-wing separatist organisation. Linked to the political party Partido Galego do Proletariado and the organization Galicia Ceibe, the group was formed in 1978 and carried out several attacks around Galicia, such as bank assaults and bombing campaigns.[1] In 1980, an important police raid led to the arrest of several members of the organization, including promiment activists and writers, among them writer and poet Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín. After the release of most of its members, the group announced its dissolution in 1984.

Loita Armada Revolucionaria was the first armed organization fighting for the independence of Galicia. Later, Liga Armada Galega, Exército Guerrilheiro do Povo Galego Ceive and more recently Resistência Galega would follow the steps of LAR. The group had been linked with other separatists organizations active in Spain, such as ETA.[1]

The organization in support of Galician prisoners, Xuntas Galegas pola Amnistía was formed after the arrest of LAR members.


  1. ^ a b Carlos Ruiz Miguel (2008). "A propósito del terrorismo galleguista" (in Spanish). libertaddigital.com. http://www.libertaddigital.com/ilustracion_liberal/articulo.php/812. Retrieved 2010-10-22.